Article Title: Flexible User Interfaces for Group Collaboration Telecollaboration User Interface Telecollaboration User Interface 1 Running Head: Telecollaboration User Interface Flexible User Interfaces for Group Collaboration


  • Ivan Marsic
  • Bogdan Dorohonceanu

Flexible user interfaces that can be customized to meet the needs of the task at hand are particularly important for telecollaboration. This paper presents the design and implementation of a user interface for DISCIPLE, a platform-independent telecollaboration framework. DISCIPLE supports sharing of Java components that are imported into the shared workspace at run-time, and can be interconnected into more complex components. As a result, run-time interconnection of various components allows user tailoring of the human-computer interface. Software architecture for customization of both a group-level and application-level interfaces is presented, with interface components that are loadable on demand. The architecture integrates the sensory modalities of speech, sight and touch. Instead of imposing one “right” solution onto users, the framework lets users tailor the user interface that best suits their needs. Finally, laboratory experience with DISCIPLE tested on a variety of applications with the framework is discussed along with the future research directions. Telecollaboration User Interface 1 Flexible User Interfaces for Group Collaboration Designing flexible and dynamically configurable user interfaces (UI’s) is challenging and it is unlikely that developers will come up with a solution of all problems that is appropriate for all users. Users often like to customize their interfaces, as evident from different preferences in office and desktop designs. The desktop paradigm for productivity applications (spreadsheets, word processors, etc.) offers one user interface for all users. While this may be tolerated in an office environment, newly emerging mobile environments require diverse user interfaces (Smailagic & Siewiorek, 1996). This paper focuses on flexible UI’s for synchronous telecollaboration that can be dynamically adapted to the user’s needs. Our approach offers architecture for end-user customization through on-demand loadable software components and XML documents. The architecture is an integral part of DISCIPLE (DIstributed System for Collaborative Information Processing and LEarning) (Marsic, 1999; Marsic & Dorohonceanu, 1999). DISCIPLE provides different look-and-feel not only across different groups, but also across individuals within a group. Tailorable interfaces are abundant. However, most of them focus on low level interface choices such as fonts, colors, display resolution, cursor shape, mouse speed, mouse button choice, gamepad button choice, function key mapping, etc. The tailorable interface presented here has functionality that the user can exploit to specify his/her preferences at more abstract levels to customize data presentation methods, interaction preferences etc. A groupware infrastructure is defined by three dimensions (Usability 1st, 1999): communication (pushing or pulling information out into an organization), collaboration (using shared information and building shared understanding), and coordination (concurrency control, latecomer support). The user interface for groupware requires understanding of groups and how people work in teams, understanding of networking technology and how aspects of that Telecollaboration User Interface 2 technology (for instance, delays in synchronizing the views) affect a user’s experience. The solution presented here offers flexibility both at the group level and at the application level. At the group level, the shared workspace can be adapted by loading collaboration-specific Java components that incorporate the collaboration and coordination dimensions into the user interface. At the application level, the user can choose between multiple sensory modalities to interact with the application. While human-computer interfaces have significantly advanced over the past decade, most people still only use display, mouse, and keyboard. Alternative modalities for human-computer communication, such as speech, force-feedback tactile interfaces, and gaze tracking have proven to be convenient and efficient to use for specific tasks (Cohen, Chen, Clow, Johnston, McGee, Pittman, & Smith, 1996; Flanagan & Marsic, 1997). By harnessing the potential power of these modalities, application developers may be able to increase the efficiency and accessibility of applications for people who do not use computers on a daily basis, as well as for the disabled. Hands-free interfaces are also of interest for applications in environments such as knowledgebased systems for on-site technicians, emergency service personnel, and soldiers in the field, that do not allow the use of conventional modalities. There is a natural match between the type of applications suitable for telecollaboration and those suitable for multimodal interaction. Telecollaboration applications require significant spatial and graphics content manipulation; otherwise, telephone conversations and emails would suffice. A multimodal interface that includes gestures and manipulation using modalities other than keyboard and speech is naturally suitable for this type of application. Thus it is natural to investigate telecollaboration in conjunction with multiple modalities. Telecollaboration User Interface 3 This paper is organized as follows. First, the state of knowledge and work in progress in the area of flexible group communication multimodal interfaces are reviewed. Interface flexibility at the group interaction level is then addressed. The next section focuses on providing flexibility to interact with applications via a multimodal human-computer interface. The following section discusses dynamic interface customization. Finally, test applications and experimental results as well as future research directions are presented. Related Work Early efforts in tailorable groupware applications and interfaces are presented in (Bentley, Rodden, Sawyer, & Sommerville, 1992; Malone, Lai, & Fry, 1992). Syri (1997) proposes a concept for the development of generic groupware with the possibility to configure its basic cooperation support functionality. Since DISCIPLE is based on Java Beans, it supports tailoring of different cooperation functionalities, and this paper in particular focuses on tailoring the interface functionality. The model of collaboration used in DISCIPLE has certain similarities to the locale concept and its Orbit implementation (Mansfield, Kaplan, Fitzpatrick, Phelps, Fitzpatrick, & Taylor, 1999). Orbit focuses on visualizing the content of locales, with some information about the states of shared artifacts, but it is not concerned with interface customization or the viewers and editors that interact with the artifacts. Unlike Orbit, DISCIPLE’s primary goal is group sharing of interactive applications. In particular, it focuses on Java Beans components (Sun Microsystems, Inc., 1999a) and allows interaction with the components, distributes their events remotely, and enables dynamic customization of user interfaces. GroupKit toolkit (Roseman & Greenberg, 1996) is used in groupware prototyping for experimenting with different types of group awareness and modeling shared applications (called Telecollaboration User Interface 4 conferences). Its widgets are particularly relevant for relaxed WYSIWIS (What You See Is What I See) groupware awareness features: identity, location, and actions (Stefik, Bobrow, Lanning, & Tatar, 1987). The widget set comprises telepointers, radar-views, location and action viewers, and multi-user scrollbars. As a toolkit, the system can be used to develop new applications, but it does not provide for run-time interface customization. Flexible JAMM (Begole, Rosson, & Shaffer, 1999) supports sharing of single-user Java applets in synchronous collaboration. It relies on a custom-modified version of the Java Development Kit (JDK 1.2), which makes it non-portable. JAMM primarily targets unanticipated sharing or spontaneous collaboration where a user is able to initiate sharing at any time during the execution of an application, not only before an application is started. Due to its different collaboration model, JAMM does not provide visualization of the collaboration space (people and shared resources). The workspace does not accept more than one applet at a time or provide for user interface customization as the framework presented here does. Microsoft NetMeeting (Microsoft Corporation, 1999a) allows sharing of an application’s screen image by sending it to the other parties. While DISCIPLE offers a hierarchical view of the collaboration space, NetMeeting has a very primitive concept of a collaboration space, through a directory server of on-line users. It does not offer support for either multiple sessions (there is only one session) or multimodal user interface management. The TANGO system (Beca, Cheng, Fox, Jurga, Olszewski, Podgorny, Sokolowski, & Walczak, 1997) is a framework that extends the capabilities of web browsers towards an interactive, multimedia collaborative environment. It does not provide support for customizable interfaces and lacks a multimodal user interface. Telecollaboration User Interface 5 There are several multimodal applications and frameworks developed by other groups, but none of them support multiple concurrent applications. The examples of existing multimodal systems given below are focused on developing an optimal multimodal interface for a specific task. Unlike this, DISCIPLE aims to develop a general architecture suitable for a wide variety of tasks, that allows easy interface customization by end users and supports multiple concurrent applications (Marsic, Medl, & Flanagan, 2000). A well-known multimodal groupware application is QuickSet (Cohen et al., 1996), which was built entirely on the concept of communicating agents and has pen and speech integration with a collaborative electronic map application. VIENA Classroom (Winiwarter, 1996) is a multimodal collaborative distance learning application, where students can mark certain points in course material that they do not understand, and ask a question in Japanese. An agent that searches a FAQ list, or the teacher, can then answer the question. Gellersen (1995) proposed the MAUI library for facilitating multimodal interface development. It is not application specific and can be used for multiple applications, but it does not support multiple concurrent applications in a shared environment. Quickset and VIENA Classroom are both applications with a single grammar and vocabulary, while the grammar and vocabulary of DISCIPLE’s multimodal interface support multiple concurrent applications. Along with MAUI, none of these systems provide architectures for run-time customization of the user interface. A key principle in DISCIPLE design is to allow flexible composition. The user can visually compose the shared applications as well as the user interface. Although some components of the framework presented here are seen to exist in other systems, the run-time Telecollaboration User Interface 6 composition of group awareness and multimodal interface components are unique to the DISCIPLE framework. Group-Level Interface for Collaboration A major problem in widespread acceptance of groupware is the difficulty of finding the collaborators and, once they are known, establishing a meeting session. User interfaces for creating sessions tend to be unfriendly. Groupware is linked with the needs of cross-organizational, time-driven, task oriented, small, cohesive groups. When these groups share data they have different representation metaphors. Synchronous groupware comprises two main tasks: (i) session establishment and monitoring and (ii) application and data sharing. In order to help users collaborate, the graphics user interface (GUI) of the DISCIPLE framework consists of a desktop (the communication center that includes a view of the people and their relationships) and workspaces (views of meeting places and resources) (Dorohonceanu & Marsic, 1999). Collaboration Desktop. A key function of the user interface is effective visualization of the collaboration space. The collaboration space is essentially a “phone book” of all people that a user can collaborate with. It is structured to reflect real-life relationships between professionals. It may be visualized in different ways, for example, using an abstract model or using a virtual model of the physical world. The traditional phone book only allows direct access to persons via an alphabetical listing, which has been found to be inadequate in many situations. Now that the world is becoming miniature, global and mobile, the organization and representation of this contact structure needs to incorporate many of these multiple representations but still handle the scalability problems of being global. Telecollaboration User Interface 7 The simplest abstract representation shows a simple list of collaborative places. A more complex representation structures the places for collaboration into a tree or a graph, where the nodes at higher hierarchical layers correspond to buildings, meeting rooms, etc. An even more complex representation positions similar places proximally according to a certain distance measure. On the other hand, in a physical representation the space is represented as a threedimensional virtual world, where the user walks through streets and hallways to reach a collaboration place. The places in DISCIPLE’s collaboration model are characterized by the topic of collaboration, rather than by their physical location and, therefore, an abstract representation is more appropriate than a physical one. The desktop provides for workspace management functions, such as: creating or entering a workspace, getting information about the existing workspaces and the active users inside them. It is the visualization medium for all the database information that is available about the users and their current activities. This medium has to be customized for specific application domains, i.e., to visualize the same abstract model under different views. Suppose a group of users wants to use DISCIPLE in the military domain, then the desktop has to render the information in a military-specific format; another group wants to use it in the medical domain, so the information has to be presented accordingly. The dynamic state of any application that features a GUI has two representations: the view (on-screen representation) and the model (data representation) (Krasner & Pope, 1988). In collaborative applications, the view, the model, or both can be shared. Most collaborative applications make no distinction between the view and the model. This becomes a problem when users have different interfaces (e.g., 2D vs. 3D user interface, palmtop vs. workstation screen) or use different filters and metaphors to render the data. In the DISCIPLE framework, the Telecollaboration User Interface 8 model represents the database of the collaborating users, their membership in different groups, and shared applications. The views render the model data as domain-specific visualizations. To support the notion of separation between the model and the different views when rendering the information about the collaboration space, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) was used, which can handle different rendering styles (W3C Architecture Domain, 1999). The model is represented as an XML document and the different views are specified by eXtensible Style Language (XSL) documents, provided for each group at creation time. At present, the collaboration space is rendered as a directory tree and only the place and user descriptions can be rendered in domain-specific ways. Figure 1 presents two different views of the profile for the same collaborating user (boi) who entered two meeting places (“Military” and “Medical”). Each meeting place reflects a specific view depending on the domain the users collaborate in, and information is filtered accordingly. Under “Medical,” only the user name, the address and a snapshot of his personal web page are shown, while under “Military” full information about the user is provided. ------------------------------Insert Figure 1 about here ------------------------------Collaboration Workspace. The design of the collaboration workspace was started with the following observations (Usability 1st, 1999): (i) Organizing and scheduling groups is more difficult than individuals. Group interaction style is hard to characterize beforehand, whereas individual characteristics are often possible to determine before a study is conducted. Pre-established groups vary in interaction style, and how long they have been a group affects their communication patterns. New groups change quickly during the group formation process. Telecollaboration User Interface 9 Therefore designing an interface that meets all users’ requirements is complicated by the facts that groupware users have different backgrounds and roles, the dynamics of collaboration are difficult to study and understand, and group behaviors can not be generalized from one group to another. A groupware system should maximize human interaction while minimizing technology interference. (ii) Session-room and building-floor-room (MITRE Corporation, 1999; Roseman & Greenberg, 1996) are two well-known metaphors for collaborative space visualization. Opening a session and entering a room might be not so easy for a novice user. Corporate culture is changed by groupware technology that supports the team structure. A real floor in a building is in contrast to the trend of future working places. Employees will work in groups and even if they will be at work, in an organization, in a real building, asking them to imagine themselves in another virtual building with virtual floors and virtual rooms could be a bit confusing. Based on these observations, we provide components for users to dynamically find out which combination works best for them, instead of designing the “best” interface. The meeting place was chosen to be a paradigm under which the meeting resources are presented to the user—because environment conditions the evolution of small dynamic groups. A workspace is a client visualization of a meeting place and provides an individual view of the place (see Figure 2). It provides a run-time environment for applets and, more generally, for Java Beans components, providing the basic tools for handling and sharing beans, telepointers, and latecomer support. A Java Bean is the Sun Microsystems’ variation on the idea of a component (Sun Microsystems, Inc., 1999a). In object-oriented programming and distributed object technology, a component is a reusable program building block that can be combined with other components in the same or other computers in a distributed network to form an application. Examples of a Telecollaboration User Interface 10 component include a single button in a graphical user interface, a small interest calculator, or an interface to a database manager. Components can be deployed on different servers in a network and communicate with each other for needed services. Components run within a software environment called a container. Examples of containers include word processors or HTML pages from a Web site displayed in a browser. ------------------------------Insert Figure 2 about here ------------------------------Workspaces provide a single seamless UI environment with a high level of consistency. As is the case with the overall desktop view, the workspace also does not require strictly the same view across all clients; each conferee can position the beans at different locations within his or her workspace. However, beans themselves are presently limited to consistent views and actions for all the conferees, because it is not possible to uncover the entire semantics of collaboration-transparent beans (Li, Wang, & Marsic, 1999). The workspace window is automatically launched as the user enters a place. It shows the beans that are currently in the place (see Figure 2). Sharing a bean for collaboration is as easy as pointing to its URL. A bean can be loaded from a local file system or, given the bean’s URL, can be loaded from a Web server. The toolbar on top provides for opening the bean browser (which keeps a list of known beans), changing the telepointer color and getting help. Workspace awareness involves knowledge of who is present, where they are working, and what they are doing, and is used in collaboration to provide appropriate assistance, simplify communication, and manage movement between individual and shared work in a shared workspace. Telepointers, radar views, ticker tapes, messages, and notes (see Figure 3) are provided for this purpose. The Telecollaboration User Interface 11 toolbar has three buttons for each sharable bean in the workspace: show minimized/hidden, activate/deactivate telepointers, and activate/deactivate radar view. ------------------------------Insert Figure 3 about here ------------------------------Telepointers are widgets that allow a given user to track remote users’ cursors. Ticker tapes display in the window title bars user messages or membership-related events, e.g., when a new user joins the workspace or when somebody leaves. Radar views are widgets that provide global views of the applications along with colored overlays representing each user’s local viewing region. They are provided at the bean level because users are free to adjust the size and position of each bean in a workspace and of each workspace on their screens. As shown in Figure 3, our radar view displays the application’s dynamic view, but also the location of users’ viewports in the application frame and the location and motion of users’ telepointers. It can be also resized to show a miniature view of the application. A user can filter which telepointers, messages, and notes should be shown in the application frame and radar view. The users can exchange messages, post small notes, and annotate regions of the bean window to augment their discussion during the meeting. They can also edit their profile (shown in Figure 1) and the properties of the awareness widgets (such as telepointers colors) at any time during the collaboration. The framework also offers several concurrency control algorithms that may be selectively employed (Ionescu, Dorohonceanu, & Marsic, 2000). Application-Level Multimodal Interface Research has shown that different applications or different application contexts require different human-computer interfaces for best results (Oviatt & Olsen, 1994; Smailagic & Telecollaboration User Interface 12 Siewiorek, 1996). Some applications do not have deictic data. For example, a keyboard or voice interaction is suitable for a word processing application. On the other hand, pointing devices and gestures are more suitable for an application with spatial content. Multimodality improves naturalness and speed in communication, and provides robustness to contexts, users and tasks. However, there is a tradeoff between having many modalities and the cost and performance of the system. Our goal is again to provide a flexible architecture with a set of modalities for communicating so the user can pick his or her own preferred interaction modes, rather than imposing a single “optimal” multimodal interface for all tasks. Based on the experience of a previous implementation (Medl, Marsic, Andre, Kulikowski, & Flanagan, 1998), a multimodal fusion and managing agent developed at CAIP was integrated into the DISCIPLE environment (Sletterink, Medl, Marsic, & Flanagan, 1999). The prototype multimodal workstation is illustrated in Figure 4. The implementation focuses on providing modalities for multiple applications in the collaborative environment, and providing an easy-to-use library for application developers. ------------------------------Insert Figure 4 about here ------------------------------The traditional user interface (keyboard and mouse) was augmented with the following sensory modalities: sound via the Java Speech API (Sun Microsystems, Inc., 1999b) and either the Microsoft Whisper speech system (Microsoft Corporation, 1999b) or the IBM ViaVoice (IBM Inc,1999) speech recognition and synthesis technology, touch via the Rutgers Master II force-feedback tactile glove with gesture recognition software (Burdea, 1996), and sight via the gaze tracker from ISCAN, Inc. (1998). A multimodal UI management architecture makes these Telecollaboration User Interface 13 modalities available to the concurrent applications implemented (see Figure 5) for testing. Two main functions of the manager are: (i) managing modalities for applications and (ii) managing the common fusion patterns. A fusion pattern specifies the way modalities are integrated in an application. For application-specific fusion patterns, the manager may also provide common functions to be used by the application developer. ------------------------------Insert Figure 5 about here ------------------------------Modality Manager. The manager interprets multimodal information and handles related problems, such as automatic contextand grammar-switching between applications, and hierarchical/selective use of available modalities. The multimodal management system is a virtual modality system, each application not knowing of the existence of other applications that share the modalities. The three main functions are: • Access and control management for applications to configure modalities; • Routing messages between applications and modalities; and • Managing modality fusion behavior for different applications. A communication protocol between the multimodal manager and applications helps the applications discover available modalities, receive user commands, and send feedback. Routing messages from applications to modal outputs is implemented in a straightforward way: they are always sent to all outputs that they apply to. For example, textual feedback will be sent to both the on-screen dialog box and the text-to-speech system, if they are available at the time. For modalities that involve pointing, events are delivered to the window underneath the cursor. The mapping from input to workspace to establish the point of reference Telecollaboration User Interface 14 within the workspace (the cursor position) may be non-trivial for certain pointing devices. Message routing from non-pointer modalities to applications is done using the notion of active application (selected or focused) in the workspace that currently possesses the user-input focus. Only the active application will get modal input events, e.g., recognized phrases from the speech recognizer will be sent to the active application only. The adaptation of a modality’s behavior according to the application that uses it was also adressed. The same notion of active applications is also applied in switching the focus to another application, i.e., if another application is selected, the modalities are reconfigured. This means that for the speech recognizer, the recognition grammar and vocabulary are replaced (allowing for more accurate recognition) and for the glove, the look-up table of gestures and the associated actions gets replaced. Multimodal Fusion. Fusion of sensory information from multiple modalities can be accomplished at three levels: data, features or decisions/commands (Sharma, Pavlovic, & Huang, 1998). The fusion agent used is implemented as a variation of the frame-based method, familiar in artificial intelligence practice, and used in several other multimodal systems (Cohen, Johnston, McGee, Oviatt, & Pittman, 1997; Sharma et al., 1998). It fuses the information at the level of decisions, also called late modality integration. While some multimodal fusion is application specific, other combinations of actions of specific modalities can be generalized. The manager implements a few of these generic combinations to provide a more consistent environment for the user and to free the programmer from redundant work. The framework architecture provides for different fusion behaviors. For instance, the glove performs mouse emulation in non-3D applications, but not in 3D applications where it represents a virtual hand rather than just a pointer. Telecollaboration User Interface 15 The agent fuses low-level input events by keeping a history of events and re-using that data once action-triggering events come in. An action-triggering event can be any event or the last event of a sequence that is recognized to carry semantic information. Examples are sentences coming in from the speech recognizer or the keyboard interface, gestures recognized from the tactile glove, or symbols recognized from the writing tablet. Actions may not always be properly recognized, or the user may fail to provide all the necessary information. This can lead to insufficient data to perform the recognized command. The system deals with this by responding with an error message. One of the actions the fusion agent can perform is generating fake mouse events for certain gestures included in the repertoire for the tactile glove. This is called mouse emulation. For example, three such gestures were implemented, one for performing mouse clicks, another for performing mouse drags, and yet another for performing normal mouse movement. The corresponding gestures are bending the thumb (as if the user was holding a stick with a button on top), a grasp-hold-release sequence, and a pointing gesture (with the index finger), respectively. These actions work for arbitrary applications. Even if the application is not aware of the multimodal management system, it will still receive mouse events. One might expand the number of gestures with actions like right-clicking or double-clicking, but adding too many gestures would make the recognition less robust and the learning curve steeper for the user. Controlling the behavior of modalities was implemented as an additional multimodal fusion. An example is control of speech input in three different ways. Background discussions or noise can cause the speech recognizer to accidentally recognize utterances that were never made (an “insertion” error). Three methods could alleviate this problem: The first method is toggling the activation button on the configuration panel (by mouse). This turns out to be Telecollaboration User Interface 16 inconvenient. The second method is via spoken system commands, like “disable speech” and “computer listen”. We noticed that enabling commands (“computer listen”, “computer enable speech”) are usually not misrecognized from a random conversation. This solution is workable but still imposes a burden on the user. The third method is using gaze confirmation, i.e., ignoring the speech recognizer when the gaze cursor is off-screen. When the gaze-tracker is accurately calibrated and working smoothly, this is a very good solution. The idea behind gaze confirmation is that people tend to look at the person they are talking to. In our case, the user is looking at the screen. If the user is not looking at the display, the fusion agent assumes the user is not talking to it, unless the user uses an escaped command (prefixed with “computer”). To avoid frustration with users who have trouble using a gaze-tracker (e.g., people wearing hard contact lenses), additional speech commands are implemented to enable or disable gaze confirmation. Another example of multimodal fusion is switching between applications. Users can employ any combination of speech and gaze. This can be speech-only, as in “select whiteboard”, or speech and gaze, saying “select this” and looking at the window, or just staring at the window for a few seconds. The last option is essentially an extension of gaze confirmation; if the user is staring at a certain application, the system assumes intended actions to follow. Integration into the Shared Workspace. The multimodal manager extends the user interface of the workspace itself, the workspace being another application. The manager provides speech commands to create, select, iconify, maximize, or close beans. The pervasive use of simple speech commands and additional modalities helps the user to faster get familiar with the multimodal environment. Each participant in a collaborative session may customize their interface to interact with the shared application in a way different from the rest of the group. Telecollaboration User Interface 17 However, these speech commands must always work, regardless of the grammar of the application that currently has the focus. Therefore, the manager dynamically extends the application’s grammar with additional commands. The manager can do so because it is in between the applications and the speech input driver. Conflicts or ambiguities are possible between the application’s grammar and the manager’s grammar. This, however, is not a problem for the speech recognizer, since it is very well capable of handling redundancies in the grammar. Therefore, no attempt is made to detect this problem while extending and sending the grammar. On the other hand, this is a problem for the parsers. It is handled by requiring the active application to have priority in parsing the sentence. If it fails to recognize the sentence, the manager assumes that it was not meant for the application after all and tries to parse it itself. This might “hide” certain commands for the user. To avoid this, escape commands (commands prefixed with the word “computer”, e.g., “computer, create the Three-Dee-Map bean”) were introduced. While this makes it impossible for applications to use commands that start with “computer”, we believe that this is not a serious limitation. The use of the prefix word is naturally equivalent to the situation where someone wants to attract the attention of another person and calls him or her by name, when it may not be clear who is being addressed. Dynamic Customization of the Interface Componentization of the collaboration framework introduces the possibility for interface customization by the end user. Figure 2 presents an example where multimodal interaction beans are used. They can be loaded as private beans since each user may prefer to augment the workspace with different modalities. By loading and activating different multimodal beans, the user can dynamically select the modalities (e.g., speech, keyboard, eye gaze pointer, etc.) for Telecollaboration User Interface 18 interacting with the workspace. Similarly, by loading different collaboration component beans, the user can vary the degree of awareness about the other conference participants or select the concurrency control algorithm that applies to a particular bean. This flexibility allows the DISCIPLE desktop to be used on different types of computers, such as desktop, portable, or wearable computers. This way, people in different environments, or with different computing platforms, can work together. Experiments with the conferees in a heterogeneous collaborative environment with the desktop workstations and wearable computers (see Figure 6), linked with a wireless network, indicate the strong need for dynamically adaptable user interfaces. ------------------------------Insert Figure 6 about here ------------------------------The Xybernaut wearable computer is an excellent platform to test the claims of portability and interface customization on. While basically a shrunken PC with a head-mounted display, the user interface as used on a desktop machine is not suitable for this environment. The principle element in collaboration desktop setup is a keyboard (it is available for desktop use, or with a wrist-mounted keyboard). The speech recognizer can make up for a lack of a keyboard; however, we found that dictation software is not always reliable and in fact it can get certain words never recognized. For example, with a dictation grammar, it is not possible to input the user name “Boi” (mind the ‘i’) into the workspace login dialog. Another issue is that the button that replaces the mouse (a round button that can be tilted in any direction to move the cursor, like a joystick) requires user practice. Novice users have a hard time steering the cursor around. They are thus more inclined to use voice commands. Telecollaboration User Interface 19 Finally, the display resolution (640 by 480 pixels) of current head-mounted systems is quite low for modern standards. Most desktop systems nowadays typically have displays 1024 by 768 pixels or higher. We observed that, since the collaboration desktop, workspace, and applications were designed on desktop systems, the displayed information is greater than the small head-mounted-display can comfortably handle. Heterogeneous computing platforms thus require variations in the presentation layout and application logic, not only in the interaction modalities (Marsic, 2000). These observations confirm that the system needs to provide flexibility so the user can best adjust the interface to the task needs and the computing environment. The system allows the user at run-time to make interface changes that benefit most applications running within it without requiring modifications of the application code. Test Applications and Experiments A number of applications has been developed using DISCIPLE. The set of applications includes a whiteboard, a collaborative mapping application, speech signal acquisition and processing, and image analysis tools, a military mission planning extension for the whiteboard, and a medical image guided diagnosis system for the diagnosis of leukemia (Comaniciu, Meer, Foran, & Medl, 1998). The military mission planning application allows the user to create and manipulate military units symbolized by icons on a terrain map (Medl et al., 1998). Application development is relatively simple since the developer does not need to worry about the distributed/group issues. The developer simply develops a JavaBean as if a single user will use it and loading the bean into DISCIPLE automatically provides the distribution features. Clearly, the development simplicity cannot be easily measured or entirely attributed to DISCIPLE. It is Telecollaboration User Interface 20 rather a result of choosing JavaBeans and providing a mechanism for automatically making them collaborative. A chat application and a whiteboard as basic communication tools inside a workspace were implemented for testing. The chat bean (shown in Figure 2) allows for message filtering by chat topic or user name, posting notes and pictures, and active links (in form of URLs) in the text. When users select a URL in a message, the document pointed to by the URL is shown in the default browser of the operating system. Collaboration work often includes a shared whiteboard, because sketches are a primary means of communicating ideas. The whiteboard allows for simultaneous interaction and image editing and annotation. Two specialized applications to support two different types of collaborations were used: a mission planning system and an image-guided diagnosis system for blood samples. The mission planning system is designed for military operation planning and for disaster relief planning. It involves manipulation of assets on a terrain map, where different icons represent different assets, which can have associated information about resources such as fuel, food, clothing and other supplies. As shown in Figure 2, there are two different views: a 2D version, based on the whiteboard framework, and a 3D version. Both are accessible via the multimodal interface. The 2D version uses the gaze command more intensively for manipulating icons, while the 3D map uses the tactile glove’s 3D input capability. The medical application (see Figure 7) uses computer vision techniques to aid doctors in the diagnosis of leukemia (Comaniciu et al., 1998). A blood cell is analyzed based upon its size, shape, color and texture, and a database of different types of leukemia cells and normal cells is Telecollaboration User Interface 21 searched for closest matches. Because the database contains confirmed diagnoses, the system can provide tentative diagnoses that medical specialists can assess. This application also uses a combination of voice, gaze, and tactile input. ------------------------------Insert Figure 7 about here ------------------------------Demonstrations to the laboratory visitors were a valuable source of feedback. The reason is that the visitors had no prior knowledge about the system capabilities and thus were more open to explorations. In addition, parallel conversation with the visitors introduced noise and disturbed the flow of interaction with the system. Many times this resulted in random commands being executed, since the background conversation contained phrases that were interpreted by the speech recognition system. Although not strictly supervised and quantified, the demonstrations were much closer to actual everyday use than “clean room” experiments. Collaborative Interface Experiments. We wanted to investigate how users might use the DISCIPLE application framework for customized applications and the degree to which the builtin flexibility helps or hinders collaboration. DISCIPLE’s user interface provides features previously shown to be useful in collaborative work, such as relaxed WYSIWIS (Stefik et al., 1987) and awareness about group activities (Gutwin & Greenberg, 1998; Begole et al., 1999). Our concern is whether the flexibility to activate/deactivate these features at will positively contributes to collaborative work. In particular, the user has an incentive to use the radar view sparingly since it may impact the application performance on lower-end machines. Thus the participants’ actions to activate/deactivate the widgets were also observed in the experiments. Telecollaboration User Interface 22 Twelve participants (3 females and 9 males) were recruited from the university students. All participants indicated they were comfortable using a computer and mouse. Five participants had previous experience with collaborative virtual environments. Potential participants were asked to form their own groups of three before registering to participate. They were not further re-assigned to form more or less experienced teams. Training prior to the experiment included explaining to the participants the purpose of DISCIPLE, how to create a new application, how to load an application into the framework, how to customize the user interface of the framework, and how to use the awareness widgets (Communication Center shown in Figure 1, telepointers, radar views, and notes shown in Figure 3, and messages shown in the ticker tape when posted) provided by DISCIPLE during a collaborative session. Next, each participant was asked to load a given simple chat application in DISCIPLE (shown in Figure 2), start a 10-minute collaboration (chat) session with the other participants, and discover information about them using the Communication Center and the other awareness widgets. The study required each team (4 teams of 3 participants) to perform a set of three tasks with and without awareness widgets. The decision was made randomly as to whether a team would run the experiment first without the awareness widgets and then by using the widgets or vice versa. When a team used the awareness widgets, they were told that displaying widgets slows down the workstation, so the widgets would better be used only when necessary. We collected data via three observers who recorded subject behavior in using the awareness widgets and task-related times. Each team was seated in the same large room. The participants were placed in different cubicles so they could not see each other. They used Windows NT workstations of different Telecollaboration User Interface 23 computing power connected via an Ethernet LAN. The teams performed the tasks using the whiteboard similar to the AreaMap shown in Figure 2. The whiteboard was resized to show less than one quarter of the working area. The tasks were modeled after (Gutwin & Greenberg, 1998) modified as follows. Each task comprised 3 subtasks. In each subtask subjects played a different role: user1, user2, or user3. The users were differentiated by the color of their telepointers: blue for user1, red for user2, and green for user3. Each subtask had a map-like background to make the focusing on the foreground objects more difficult. Verbal communication was not allowed so the participants were forced to use the chat or the awareness widgets (notes or messages). In task1, user1 randomly specified 8 figures of different shape, color, filling, and position as well as whom of the other two users (user2 or user3) would place each figure. User2 and user3 watched for information from user1 and tried to place figures as soon as fresh information from user1 became available. In each subtask of this task the users permuted their roles. We measured the time to accomplish each subtask. In task2, user1 randomly specified 8 rectangles of different color and position. User2 watched user1 and placed an ellipse inside each rectangle so that the ellipse followed the rectangular form. User3 watched and placed a rectangle inside the ellipse placed by user2. Before placing a new figure, user1 had to wait for user3 to finish the job on the previous figure. Again, the users permuted their roles in each subtask. We measured the time to construct each triplet object consisting of the three figures. In task 3, user1 randomly specified as fast as possible 8 figures of different shape, color, and position. User2 and user3 watched for new figures and competed to own them by placing inside them a circle (user2) or a square (user3). The user who owned the most figures won. The users permuted their roles in each subtask. We measured the time to accomplish each subtask. Telecollaboration User Interface 24 We performed one-tailed Student’s t tests to see if there are time differences for tasks accomplished with and without awareness widgets. In task2 and task3, we could measure only the time per subtask because user1 did not have to wait for user2 and user3, which may not provide an accurate measure. As can be seen in Table 1, the mean time difference was larger for task1 (t = 2.004, p < .05). We interpret this as the effect of the radar view (with telepointers) that helped users to faster locate the newly posted requests for figures by following user1’s moves. There was no significant difference for task3. The reason may be that the task lasted too short to produce a significant time difference. For task2 we measured the time per triplet object and observed a significant difference (t = 8.319, p < .0005). We interpret this again as the effect of the radar view as described for task1. ------------------------------Insert Table 1 about here ------------------------------We observed that on a slow machine subjects preferred to scroll in the whiteboard window and to hide the radar view when they were allowed to do so. On a fast machine, subjects preferred to follow the radar view and scroll only when it was necessary. In task1, despite the fact that the whiteboard documents provided rulers on the edges for easier positioning, all the subjects found posting notes easier than sending messages in chat. In task3, all the subjects who were allowed or forced to use the radar view, used it to follow the leading user’s (user1) movements. We also examined the user satisfaction in our post study questionnaire. Subjects responded on a scale from 1 (strongly agree) to 4 (strongly disagree) to the questions shown in Table 2. Telecollaboration User Interface 25 ------------------------------Insert Table 2 about here ------------------------------On average, DISCIPLE framework was easy to understand and use. The communication center was not very helpful, but this is normal, because its role is only to provide static information about the users. Participants did not use the telepointers very much. This could be due to the fact that users preferred to see the telepointers in our radar view, instead of seeing them in the application frame, considering that showing the telepointers in both the radar view and application would be redundant. When subjects had to perform the tasks without awareness widgets, some of them complained that they had to scroll too much in the whiteboard frame. Instead of typing long messages in chat, subjects preferred short messages (in chat or ticker tape) combined with telepointers and notes. This combination is natural and more expressive, because in face-to-face communications we use gestures along with speech to include spatial information. The communication via messages was moderate in task1, high in task2, and none in task3. Messages were mostly used to communicate subtask completions. Communication via notes was high in task1 (user1 used them to specify the exact positions where objects should be placed), sporadic in task2 (sometimes user1 and user3 tried to help an user2), and none in task3. In summary, awareness tools were more likely to be used in the map-based, game-like (construction, competition) and dynamic tasks. Face-to-face interaction normally includes many feedback functions and behaviors, such as conversation initiation and giving and taking turns (Cassell, 2000), which are difficult to convey in a distributed collaborative environment. Group awareness components aim to remedy this problem. However, our experiments and those of other researchers demonstrate that usual Telecollaboration User Interface 26 group awareness widgets are insufficient. The users lack many of the face-to-face cues to verify that their actions are understood. We noticed that many times users require additional confirmation (“Can you see what I did?”) or offer unsolicited notification (“I just did this.”). Conveying user behaviors across the network is a major open problem in groupware systems. Issues related to user embodiment, such as non-verbal communications, facial expression, involuntary movement, etc., are being investigated through the use of sophisticated avatars that can provide such user embodiment (Capin, Pandzic, Thalmann, & Thalmann, 1998; Snowdon & Tromp, 1997). While this work is ground breaking with respect to achieving the goal of virtual worlds completely mimicking the real world, it requires sophisticated virtual reality software and hardware. One of our current efforts is in using a gaze tracker to communicate the user’s focus of attention to the collaborators. Multimodal Interface Experiments. Initial performance experiments for the multimodal interface compared the combinations of two modalities at a time for the same task and captured the times it took for users to perform the tasks (Marsic et al., 2000). The command used in the evaluation was: “Create ” on a situation map, such as in Figure 2. The location reflects the variation in the combination of modalities and can be given by speech, e.g., “create camp at Baguio,” or a location pointed to by the glove or gaze. For example, “speech and speech” means that both the object and the location are specified by speech. Preliminary performance data for the total command execution time over 10 trials for 2 subjects (one male, one female) are shown in Figure 8. The combination of speech and gaze has a definite speed advantage over the other modality combinations. The location precision for icon creation appears to be greatest for speech-and-speech as the coordinates are exactly specified. Among pointerTelecollaboration User Interface 27 based modalities, precision appears to be better for mouse than for gaze or glove. The speechand-gaze combination is the most lacking in precision. ------------------------------Insert Figure 8 about here ------------------------------Experiments with the multimodal interface show that different combinations of modalities afford speed vs. accuracy in interacting with the applications. The modalities presented here provide more flexibility and functionality than keyboard and mouse, but they are primitive at this stage of development and need extensive refinement. These experiments also show that there is a learning curve for using these modalities even though they are assumed to be natural for human communication. Probably the greatest limitation is the simplistic language understanding component and the knowledge-based intelligent fusion capabilities. The current set of voice commands is simply not powerful enough to cover a broad range of interactions. Although the individual modalities are still immature, significant gains will be possible by increasing the intelligence of the system, in particular by improving the command interpretation module and knowledge representation of the application. Conclusions This paper presents the design and implementation of a framework for dynamically adaptable user interfaces for telecollaboration. The framework provides a run-time environment for Java Beans components, and allows interaction with the components, distributes their events remotely, and provides mechanisms to control cooperative features in an application-independent manner. Other unique features of the DISCIPLE framework include simultaneous support for Telecollaboration User Interface 28 collaboration-aware and collaboration-transparent applications and the ability to support ad hoc collaboration groups. The framework itself is developed using Java Beans. Componentization of the collaboration framework introduces the possibility for interface customization by the end user. The interface is open and customizable with respect to the context in which it is placed and particular user needs. By loading and activating beans with different functionalities, the user can dynamically customize the collaborative application. This flexibility allows the DISCIPLE desktop to be used on different types of computers, such as desktop, portable, or wearable computers. The application framework approach presented here has advantages over the commonly used toolkit approach. With toolkit approaches, the application designer makes decisions about the application functionality, whereas in our approach the end user makes the decisions to meet the actual needs of the task at hand. As developed to date, DISCIPLE has been implemented and tested on both third party collaboration-unaware beans and our collaboration-aware beans. Our experience with these applications reinforces the need for flexible user interfaces. There is a need on one hand to increase the user’s awareness about the group activities and to widen the communication channel between the human and the computer as well as between the collaboration participants. On the other hand, overly complex interfaces become unmanageable and cumbersome to use, while at the same time requiring extra resources. Software components have recently gained great interest as a means for making customizable applications. Our approach exploits this flexibility and extends it to customization of user interfaces. Rather than imposing an “optimal” user interface, Telecollaboration User Interface 29 UI componentization allows the user to tailor the UI to their particular needs and to the task at hand. 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Filtering and rendering the userinformation is done using different viewing styles (see for example, the user boi who entered themeeting places Medical (left) and Military (right)). In the right window of the desktop severalutilities available to the user are tabbed: besides the information about the currently selected itemin hierarchy, common tools (such as chat window, video/audio conferencing startup, e-mail, and query window for finding users) are provided.Figure 2. Snapshot of a user view during collaboration in a meeting place (1). By usingthe BeanBrowser tool (2), the user can load beans from the Internet into the BeanBrowser,organize, and import them into the meeting place. The following Java beans are present: TheAreaMap (3) and ThreeDeeMap (4) are interconnected and display the same geographical areaduring a military test application. The Chat (5) can show text, pictures, and active URL links andfilter messages by chat topic or user name. The multimodal enhancement components (6)(multimodal connector, speech, tactile glove, and gaze tracker) and the multimodal manager (7)provide for interface customization.Figure 3. Collaboration widgets. Three users, bogdan (1), chris (2), and boi (3),collaborate over a chat bean and also post notes. User chris can see in his radar view (4) a viewof the bean, the notes, telepointers, and viewing areas of all the users.Figure 4. The system for multimodal human-computer interaction.Figure 5. Interactions between applications (JavaBeans). The agent and the modalities.Figure 6. The Xybernaut MA IV wearable computer used in collaborative experimentswith DISCIPLE. Telecollaboration User Interface 36 Figure 7. The medical diagnosis support application as used in the DISCIPLE desktop.The doctor receives an image from a remote microscope and selects a region of interest (1),segments the image (2), selects the cell kernel to extract (3), and searches the database for similarcells (4). Candidates are ranked on similarity.Figure 8. A comparison of total execution times for interface modality combinations for acommand: “Create ”. Vertical axis shows time values in seconds given tothe closest millisecond. (Marsic et al., 2000) Table captionsTable 1. A comparison of subtask and triplet-object placement performance times withand without awareness widgets. Times are in seconds.Table 2. User perceptions of collaboration using DISCIPLE framework and its awarenesswidgets. The lower the mean score the more satisfactory the user’s experience. Telecollaboration User Interface 37 Telecollaboration User Interface 38 Telecollaboration User Interface 39 Telecollaboration User Interface 40

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